Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Brief Review of Dota

You will enjoy the brief review of DotA in the following. And you will be probably inspired to try to play the game. As a custom map from Warcraft III The Frozen Throne, DotA made its first appearance with a vague date. It is Steve Feak that also known under the nick "Guinsoo" developed the one map which turned to be dominant finally. However, a mapmaker under the nick "Icefrog" began to take over the development after two years. 

In the very beginning of the game, you can go to take one of 104 special heroes. Strength, intelligence and agility are the three major attributes that used to sort out them. You need to establish a base instead of controlling a race like most Real Time Strategy games. The gameplay of DotA is filled with funny things. Many various games modes are available for you to choose. 

There are three strong towers in the beginning on each lane where you can move into after you have got a hero and purchased item with the gold. The allied creeps of you will spawn from your base about one and a half minute after the start of the game. As the game continues, the towers will loose their importance. But your heroes will become more powerful. The main building of the Sentinel or the Scourge should be destroyed after you get into the base. The barracks can be certainly destroyed first. 

A skill point will be received if you gain every level for the hero. Your stats can be upgraded with your skills. The whole map has many neutral creeps. You can hit them with the powerful items bought with the gold farmed.